An anti-masculine, agenda driven, fem-boss, horrific space ride. I don't need representation as a straight black male. I crave good story telling and acting, and this aint it. They really took "put a chick in it and make her gay and lame" to new lows doubling down. From meme to theme. Is this a wayans parody? An insult to fans of the franchise. The force is now non-binary and identifies as...I'm not really sure. I get it, you're gay and you hate men. We know! But you do realize, who the primary fan base is, right? Way to many activist, posing as writers and storytellers as of late. Trying to convince us that they know better. The know better than George Lucas, better then Stan Lee, better than Andrzej Sapkowski, better than Stephen King. Better then all that proved themselves to be amazing visionaries, and brilliant story tellers. And you've done what? Your hubris, your entitlement is astounding. Convinced that you're the crusader. No matter how many times your narrative is rejected and fails, as we tell you "it's not what we want" you scream back "yes it is". Another ruined childhood franchise turned woke and put to pasture.