Whilst World of Warcraft (wow) is fun to explore, and to do dungeons and quests, it is not fun in pvp unless you are a horde player. This is due to Blizzard's idea of fair play, and the way they bias the game in favor of the horde faction.
There are also major issues with bugs that occur after every patch. And most of the bugs are the same ones that keep popping up time and time again. Blizzard claims they have fixed the bugs, yet many bugs continue to affect the game for years.
There was and currently is a horde bias bug in pvp whereby Alliance hunter's pets are continuously taunted off their target by horde pets. However, this does not work both ways. Alliance pets cannot taunt horde pets off their target. This bug went on for 4 years and was eventually fixed with the Shadowlands patch last year. Alas, earlier this year, Blizzard brought the bug back.
There is a complete lack of balance and fair play in the game. Recently during the wow anniversary there was a battle ground (bg) called Korrak's Revenge. It is bias to horde.
The horde team starts near the middle of the bg, but the Alliance team starts way up north. This allows horde get to our bases before we can, and the bases are on our side of the bg.
Horde landmines and npcs respawn every 5 minutes but Alliance landmines and npcs do not respawn.
Horde eilte npcs heal the horde players but Alliance elite npcs don't heal us.
Horde npcs respond instantly to Alliance players and pets that are within 30 yards of the npc, but Alliance npcs don't respond to horde players even when they are next to each other.
Currently in low level pvp, horde players have nearly double the health of Alliance players and are 1 shotting Alliance players. This was an issue since Shadowlands started and was caused by players exploiting poor programming in the game. Blizzard fixed the issue a few months ago and 2 weeks ago they brought it back.
There are lots of issues with pvp in the game and the only people who enjoy it are those doing the 1 shotting. If you like fair play and want a game where both sides are evenly matched, do not play pvp in wow because it is completely unbalanced.
If you have no life and want to waste your life in front of a computer screen, play wow. If want to do something with your life, find a book and read that, or go outside and ride a bike or go hiking. It will be cheaper, less stressful, and won't push your blood pressure up.
All up, wow has some fun bits to it (mainly dungeons and quests), but the pvp side of the game really needs to be balanced.