I'm a great fan of Bill Maher, but the May 8, 2020 show left me feeling like Bill needs to research his topics a bit further. Specifically, Obesity in America. By saying that an Eating Disorder is only over eating, is not at all true. There are many facets of an Eating Disorder. It is now classified as a disease, and is not about just eating the right amount of food, and exercise. Yes, these do play a big part of helping someone stay 'average weight', but the issues that lead to an Eating Disorder are so many, and usually start in very young children. Many people who have an Eating Disorder, were abused as a child ~ physically, sexually or emotionally. The bottom line is that they don't feel worthy, loved or as good as someone else. They almost always have no self esteem. Using food ~ too much, or with holding, is a way to calm the rage, fear and anger that lives with these children. Food is used as a way to 'numb out' and not have to feel these feelings. It's just the same with alcohol, drugs and many other ways we use 'things' to bury our emotions. Food is a 'drug of choice' for many and it is very easily obtained, especially for a young child. Maybe it's better if you don't mention obesity issues on your show, as it's very obvious that you have a grudge against over weight people. Thanks, AN