I've waited far to long to write this review. After watching The Mummy 3-4x, I can truly say that I love it. I don't think people were ready for a story that dark.
I didn't expect campy thrills like the original movies. I expected a darker more realistic looking mummy. The acting and the action were really good if you remember that this is a Tom Cruise thrill ride. I never expected to see another Brendan Fraser and I didn't want to .
I felt that the original movies were made right the first time and didn't need a remake. And though it has similar principles, The Mummy was a completely new reimagining. New story, new characters, and a whole new plot. I mean c'mon, who doesn't want to see Russell Crowe shine as the true embodiment of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Sounds like fun to me.
It was meant to kick off the Dark Universe, but because people are stuck in the past, many people never gave Tom Cruise's The Mummy a fair chance. But, as any dedicated fan would, I still hold hope for a sequel.