I'm not too much of a cartoon kinda guy, but for some reason, this cartoon became an addiction! Courage is just as cool as it was on day one! How can a cowardly dog ever go out of style? Coming from the 2000s as a child, I never really had this masterpiece in my childhood, and I deeply regret it. I think Courage the Cowardly Dog is by far the best cartoon from… like… EVER! Everything from “Return the slab…” Eustace’s grumpiness, Alien ships, and the cowardly star, makes this cartoon a legend, and my all-time favorite. Overall, cartoons were more entertaining with “Personality” back in the 90s, and Courage is by far no exception. This cartoon has originality, creativity, and something not many have… “Character.” CCD is something I want future generations to know and watch. I highly recommend this classic cartoon to kids and old people. I loved it, and I know you probably will too! Nothing beats how incredibly awesome this cartoon is! And my all-time favorite thing about this cartoon, would hands down be the meek dog with pink fur, the one and only “Courage.” This cartoon is just as cool, time and time again. So go on!! Go get nightmares!! Go watch Courage the Cowardly Dog!! This cartoon really is top dog!! John R. Dilworth is a legend with a pencil!! I’m addicted, and cannot be cured….