The purpose of the film, although distastefully presented, is to show the misguided idea of love, that our generation has. The conversation between the young couple touches reality at most points, which is brilliantly portrayed by the actors. I am appalled by the level of emotional trauma that is encapsulated in 1.5 hrs. I don't know who to feel sorry for, the woman or the man. I am quite certain that the story comes from a very deep place in the writer's mind, perhaps a culmination of his experiences in dating. The climax scene, confused me, made me laugh, I would certainly recommend this to a few friends who might have the appetite to go through rawness of it all. The cinematography could be better, but the actors took the cake. I felt enraged, sympathetic, confused, grossed out, touched, but most of all, I felt afraid, for myself and a million others who hope to find peaceful love, and don't realise the realities of it.