Bo4 overall is disappointing.
I didn’t mind that there was no official campaign mode for the game, so that’s not a problem. The problems lay mainly with the whole reserve system they have in place. Let’s put it this way. This game’s reserve system makes Bo3’s krypto keys look good. You earn reserve cases which give you only one item per case, (which is NOT DUPLICATE PROTECTED) and contains so many items like weapons charms, stickers, Outfits, face paints, camos, death effects for guns, emotes, jump packs for blackout, ranged weapons, and MK II weapons (all I can think of for now). The outfits , face paints, and emotes I don’t mind being in the cases, I don’t see the point of stickers since they basically act like a emblem. As far as the weapon charms, camos, and death effects, I wouldn’t mind those except instead of say getting a camo, and having it unlocked for all of your weapons, you now only get a camo unlock PER INDIVIDUAL WEAPON, and it makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever as to why that is. Not only is this annoying, but it decreases your chances of getting something you actually want, especially because (like I said earlier) IT’S NOT DUPLICATE PROTECTED. Yes there are no dupe cases you can get, but for those you need 6 reserve cases to purchase. And I was really hoping that I wouldn’t see ranged weapons in the reserves, but surprise surprise, they did it.