The show was a lot better before Beadle left. It's not that different now, she was just entertaining and always made you laugh, imo. Now it's 3 minutes talking about a big topic, then mentioning the next big thing, then commercial. Talk about big thing #2 and go back to #1 with an "insider" after a commercial... turns out the "insider" is like a 23 year old trainer they paid to get some info on a certain player or something. It's the only decent thing on so I watch/listen to it in most mornings. Dan Orlovsky as a regular on the show says enough when it comes to the constantly rotating cast. Who the heck is he anyways? Other than an ex-NFL QB who was signed and cut before teams could announce they signed him. Basically, a practice Qb who's on TV and is super proud of himself and believes he offers some kind of unforeseen insight. Jalen Rose is a breath of fresh air on the show. Never really liked him until i saw him on the show and really appreciate him for the man he is now. He's hilarious too so that's always a plus. They LOVE their college football, I mean who doesn't, but outside the CFB season it can get pretty dull since they only report and talk about the BIG stories.Nothing much better on anyways so it's usually worth the watch, even if you're just catching up on mainstream sports. I'll reiterate that, they definitely do not cover anything outside the big 3 (NFL,NBA, and the lowly MLB) and Golf in America. No racing of any kind, no soccer, no hockey, but the occasional "feel good" story about some e-sports or lacrosse or something off the wall. Good not great, far from what ESPN's morning talk shows used to be but it's worth the watch all in all.