Why does J.Fallon have to get so skewed politically?! Be a dang comedian & stop bowing down to political pressure - have watched you for years!! Previously big fan, but giving you up now forever - tonights clip where u replay SELECT Trump quotes and malisciously manilupulate to replay the same SLANT tailored to your political message- it was obviously slanted and ZERO humor value - you’re another sheep, I thought you where the one late night host above this.. SUPER-disappointed in your lack of being neutral in a time when America needs more than EVER Walter Concrite (or any other mega-visible celebrity) unbiased reporting - way to SELL OUT Jimmy thought u might be one individual w/success but still integrity, but oh well... (SO disappointed)
I consider myself a middle-of-the road-voter, but see such a one-sided slant on major TV as just nausiating...