I don't even know what to say honestly. For one I didn't expect a big name like Scarlet Johansson to accept acting in a movie like this one. Under The Skin was anticlimactic, boring, hard to follow, and extremally confusing. My personal take is basically, A female alien and her male species counterpart were sent to earth to collect the biofluids and the DNA of humans. So she uses her looks, charm, and her body (literally her naked body) , to lure men into some kind of Alien made house with black goop for a floor. She tempts them by taking off her clothes and keeps them walking towards her until they get sucked up in the black goop and they sink into the goop floor. In one scene, one of her victims can be seen sinking under the goop and he watches helplessly as another victim seems to be reaching out for help, and then ultimately his whole dang body gets sucked out of him, like an implosion, and all what's left is his skin. Later on she seems to regret her actions by letting a disfigured man go free but shortly after he gets wacked by her male alien counterpart. She runs away and then ends up in an almost sex scene where she gets scared from a dudes PP almost penetrating her and she takes off again. In the end of the movie she gets lit on fire by a lumberjack who tries to rape her, you can also witness her true form in this scene. And I assume, she dies.
End Movie
In my opinion this film was very low budget and B/C movie quality. Scarlett was brave for taking on such a role.
Interesting and hard to watch, 5/10 wouldn't recommend.