I watched this film having no idea what the film was about, but seeing Hugh Jackman and Laura Dern headlining, prompted me to see the film. I was captivated and on the edge of my seat right from the start. I woke up thinking about this brilliant film and its portrayal of mental illness. Hugh Jackman's performance from beginning to end was incredibly complex - without the use of words, the story poured out of him, as he battled, fought and destroyed the demons of his youth that haunted him while desperately trying to save his son from his own. The director, Florian Zeller, has this intense and brilliant way of getting inside the mind and soul of his characters with the help of (DP) Ben Smithard, "The Father," who crafted these beautifully shot scenes, held close and tight, to allow the audience to creep into the thoughts and minds of the characters. Anthony Hopkins was brilliant. Laura Dern was simply wonderful.