EA has focused primarily on multiplayer, which I do not mind however they have continuely forgotten about loved game modes like Be a pro or franchise mode. I understand EA makes most it's money from HUT and new world of chel but there are tons of people that enjoy franchise mode and be a pro, and yet the past three years have had zero changes made to it as well as zero additions. I do like the skating changes and puck pickup much better as it feels more real to me, however goalies are just as bad as ever allowing the same goal over and over and over again, further decreasing the skill gap of HUT, I do however give them credit for having the goalies now direct the puck to the corners as well as the new animations. I wish EA would finally listen to it's players that have asked for change in single player modes. What bothers me more is the slowness of the menus, it has not been addressed either, many games like MLB games and maddens menu movies very quickly with little loading time, especially with simulation speeds in franchise mode. I wish little things that we have brought up would be looked into further before release possibley.
I do enjoy playing by myself, they have fixed the gameplay enough with the skating, animations, and puck pickup that it is enjoyable to play. If you want to play just for the fun of it I would say buy, however if you expect any change there really is none for the single player modes. I hope you like multiplayer.