I must confess that I find the modern Doctor Who to be a somewhat mixed bag. When the show wants to be great it can provide some of the best television I've ever seen. However, this show has also produced some of the worse television I've ever seen. I think the revival started strong with Christopher Eccelston's 9th Doctor recovering from he Time War and worked well with Rose Tyler and Capt. Jack. While series 1 is not perfect, it has a pretty consistent quality of episodes and the 9th Doctor still remains my favorite version of the the modern Doctors. David Tennant then took over as the 10th Doctor and returned to more of the quirky and fun-loving nature to the character. While I do enjoy the 10th Doctor and Tennant's kinetic performance, I do feel as if the show was starting to become a bit too soap-opera-ish. However, Martha and Donna made for good companions and Tennant's episode quality did improve after his first series (series 2) rather mixed quality, with many fan favorite episodes during his era. In 2010, Matt Smith became the 11th Doctor and was somewhat divisive on initial reaction. Tennant's version had become very well-liked and like Davison taking over from Tom Baker, I felt that many were harsh on the new, youthful incarnation. That said, I quite liked Matt Smith's first two years and his whimsical performance. While his era did have its problems such as over-complex plots and Amy and River Song being a bit too flirtatious (Amy tried to kiss the Doctor at her webbing with her husband right there). However, I appreciated the more risky and complex plotting, and I liked the characters of Amy, Rory, and even River Song. Series 7 for me is when the show started going downhill with mostly pretty lackluster episodes and a pretty disappointing and overrated 50th anniversary special in Day of the Doctor, not to mention that the new companion Clara just wasn't that interesting. In series 8, Peter Capaldi became the 12th Doctor and while he was terrific as the new incarnation, the writing was not. His era had its highlights (Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline, Under the Lake two-parter, Heaven Sent, and World Enough and Time/Doctor Falls; and I thought Bill and Nardole were pretty likeable as companions), the writing was overall very sub-par and I never felt like they settled on what his Doctor should be. In series 8 he is more strict and stern, in Series 9 he is more fun and light hearted, and in series 10 he a blend of the two. Now the Doctor is played by Jodie Whittaker with Ryan, Yaz, and Graham as companions. I will say that series 11 did little for me and Whittaker's performance at times felt like a Tennant impersonation that at times came off as overly condescending. Series 12 was an improvement with Whittaker's performance improving and some decent episodes. However, The Timeless Children was a big headache, I will say that the idea of the Timelords using a child to harness regeneration is not a bad idea, but having the Doctor be the Child just proves that in the newer series' biggest problem was making the Doctor the most important person ever. What I liked about the Classic series was that the Doctor was a hobo with a box, that's what made the character interesting and even relatable. While I am slightly curious as to how the show will handle this poorly received decision in future episodes, the poor viewership ratings and poor audience reaction has made the show into a joke just like the way it was before the revival in 2005. Perhaps the Doctor needs another break.