These white women shouldn't have been hired, they should hired actually people of color who care about star wars stories if they care about representation, Kathleen Kennedy and Leslie shouldve been fire for being white. But it's shallow at best, worst story ever, the issue with this show is writing, plot, costumes, characters are shallow, choreography, areas fixed, force powers not making sense, and reckoning the actual stories of characters already placed in the story. Seems they dont even read the books .
The only thing good about this show is video quality(camera).
Indifference means death. Worst part they had to go Wikipedia star wars change cannon. Trying to look for audience that doesn't exist , women/girls don't like star wars and normies men/fans will not support this cause most of us prefer actual stories that follow the stories lines. It's boys brands
Doesn't make sense when they call people color racist . Not even the their own races can't make critical criticism.
This show is cringe fest unbearably unwatchable.