Complete and utter rubbish. The force of Lucas Films was strong with this one: zero character development and simply lots of the same old CGI space/light sabre battles. It worked for the very first three episodes thirty odd years ago, but it’s now just so boring.
There was no humour or wit and what little plot there was lacked any credibility. It did however have plenty of soppiness and sentimentality and the tired dramatic music to compensate for actors who can’t act or who can act but can do little with such a weak script.
I went into this film with an open mind, willing to suspend disbelief and hopefully enjoy the film. However, there was nothing there to enjoy. I sighed when I saw C3PO - why not the brilliant sarky droid from Rogue One? - and laughed in despair when the Ewoks made a very fleeting appearance.
It’s the worst of all the Star Wars films and one of the worst films I’ve seen. Has it any redeeming features? Well, JarJar Binks didn’t make an appearance, it’s the last one (please, please, no more!) and the tickets only cost £6 each!