Legacies is honestly a disappointment. Some parts of the story is good, don’t get me wrong, but I find myself not paying attention many times during the show and then changing to another tv show a lot. I just keep trying to watch it because I want it to be wow me so bad or at least meet up to vampire diaries and the originals but sadly, It’s not nearly as good as vampire diaries and the originals. They’re trying too hard to make it seem as if hope is the only beautiful and sexy girl on the show by making her scenes with so much slow motion more than any other character in the show. it’s kind of forced on and it makes it seem like no other characters really matter as much as hope does. Also the constant slow motion every time there’s a fight, a magical explosion, creature growling or anytime they use magic to throw stuff around during a tantrum, etc. makes it so much less dramatic and just makes it look as if it’s just a video game than if they were to just leave everything to explode and move at a regular or faster speed. If you don’t see what I’m saying then just watch everything again and you’ll see. I understand that all of this is fiction but they made legacies feel so fake. Atleast in vampire diaries and the originals it made you want to binge watch and it made it seem like there could be a possibility of it being real without all the extra dramatic non-needed slow motion effects.