I am a casual MTG player and enjoyed many hours of game play. I ultimately stopped playing though the game only supports duels with no way to play two headed giant or more than 2 players so you can only play one friend at a time. So down 2 stars for no social multiplayer formats.
Playing random online opponents can be good but I find 90 percent of the players play the same 4-5 decks. There is very little variety in open standard matches its either red agro, mutate, shrine, or green red agro with almost always the same cards. After a while there wasn't enough variety or creativity in the matchups to enjoy the game so I stopped playing. Wizards of the cost needs to do something to stop cookie cutter decks, if 90 percent of the games are the same 5 decks when you have 1000's of cards to choose from then something is wrong.