This is a must watch documentary capturing real life, real stories of people living in Gaza. This is sad but at the same time inspiring, why I say inspiring is because these kids live through the worst of humanity but still humane. These kids live for their brothers and sisters, collect plastic bottles, farm eggplants, sell coffee to earn a buck and all the while they have been shot or bombed. When I say kids I literally mean children of even 7+ years. I don’t know who can endure 70 years of unfairness, 70 years of lives been controlled, limited access to basic necessities.. I’m not a Muslim and I would never want any human to go through what the Palestines go through. My heartbreaks to see what has happened to the lives of people just because of a battle of religion, power and money. No one can endure this much pain. I’m so sorry for what the world has done.