I watched this a few nights ago with a friend, if you like "A Netflix and chill lads night in". ten mins in I said, "28 Days Later meets Girl With All the Gifts." He said, "Seen this all before!" As for the military aspect, well we were both crying with laughter. my friend has served in special forces and he was in hysterics. Why would American SpecForces be involved in an op like this. Since when have U.S. Rangers used Ruger Mini 14s? Why? FN SCARS or M4 Carbines, Brit SpecForces Diemaco L119A2s.
The combat scenes are overdone, the sex scene boring, the film overlong. In this situation there is no way this side of hell even the best soldiers would make it out alive.
This is watchable-just-but also tedious because there is nothing original.
However, the London setting is quite well done and the cheorography quite good. Occasionally enjoyable but ultimately forgettable-from a military viewpoint-watch StrikeBack instead!