It wasnt that bad tbh. it's not as boring as people say, it's not as hard, the last battle was honestly pretty easy for what I heard. people are just mad about aloy being gay when we all knew from the beginning. it wasn't the best best. but be honest, was it really that bad? I beat the last battle on the hardest setting, the romance didn't feel that out of place but I will say it was kind of weird that aloy felt like an awkward highschool girl. aloya more of a sophisticated, rough, but also extremely compassionate. most of the bad reviews are men so idk. I've mostly seen women like me gravitate towards this franchise, idk why people can't just put their hate aside and just enjoy a good game. it doesn't matter if aloy is gay, it definitely wasn't to please "woke people" it was always going to be that way, it was obvious from the start. I'm not gay and I knew it. like hello? one more thing is that people say that the last fight was frustrating. it wasn't. a little fidgity? yes. this seems more like revie bombing than anything. overall it's a good dlc, I liked frozen wilds more but this is good too.