Well this movie certainly is about space, as in "staring off into". Honestly, the main character does this for 90% of her screentime, and it's always the same bland, lifeless expression. I suppose it's to generate intrigue, but there's nothing really in the movie to make us care. In fact, many characters "stare to create interest" but it simply does not. Music can get a bit much, trying to make up for the lack of on-screen activity.
To make matters worse, the plot finally develops in the last 20 minutes, but it hinges on a little girl sneaking into a top-secret, highly classified government space facility. As they do...
Someone needs to introduce the writer/director to the "Dust" sci-fi channel on YouTube. Short stories with first-class writing/directing/graphics. This one spent far too long mistaking standing still for intrigue!
Probably the best thing about this movie is the creepy guy who played a dead person. About sums it up. Some nice box-ticking though....