It’s one of the finest games ever put out. The story was fresh in it’s time, and still holds up fairly well to this day despite a deluge of similar stories in games since. However, where this game truly shines is in its gameplay, graphics, and score. The controls were tight and responsive, giving you the ability to precision move and shoot. The visuals of super Metroid were stunning at the time and still stand strong today. Enemies were well designed and bosses were imposing. The planet zebes was both full of life and a barren wasteland depending on where you were. And as much as I love everything else, the creme de la creme of the game is in its soundtrack. It was tense, atmospheric, lonely, vibrant, eerie, relaxing all at the same time. It has rightly earned all the praise heaped on it, and the remixes of the soundtrack.
All in all this is a perfect, must have game if you’re a die hard collector, or even a casual gamer. It is 2D side scrolling at its best.