Watching this series has opened my eyes to a piece of our world that we have locked away from others to see and honestly it really breaks my heart. I'm aware that many other celebrities have faced hardships and are still going through trials and I wonder if others in power have viewed this and made any action to ban together and help. There's gotta be some type of support against such injustice, I mean c'mon, Britney is a human being. Creative, and talented. Smart, and sensitive. Strong. It clicked in my mind that the song she sang "Lucky" was something more than just a heartfelt song and it really hurts to know someone who has gone through such imprisonment for so many years, is barely having freedom. In this day and age people need to stick together and encourage others, not restrict them and cause stress within their lives. And I mean everyone. Not just celebrities, or those who work minimum wage or those who aren't working. Not just selected race or selected gender. We are all human beings. All one. Do good people. All it takes is that one act of kindness that can lead into great things.