One of the worst films I've ever seen. As far as expectations went, it was great, and I was supposed to see it quite a while back in the cinema but something came up. But once I actually watched it I was extremely disappointed.
It seemed to be very promising at the start, and the concept was very interesting and could've been developed further. I could even ignore a few plot holes, like how did they learn to be THAT quiet without dying already, if the creatures are attracted by even the slightest sounds. And how did they survive so long without doing something like coughing. Anyway, I could brush past that.
But then after the boy died (which was the first act of stupidity) it took a downhill turn surprisingly quick. It was extremely boring watching them constantly mess up, and if they're that incompetent how did they last even 24 hours?? The acting was okay, but I can't really comment as much on that because I ended up hoping they'd just die and get it over with already. Such a waste of time and it just went on, and on, and on. There is so much more I could mention, but these are just some examples:
-Apparently any noise louder than they are doesn't attract the creatures. As demonstrated when they went by a waterfall and started screaming. They could've literally made a sound louder than them and lived perfectly safe.
-They decided to have a baby, when that is like the loudest thing you could possibly do, and they had weeks to plan for it but they used a mattress to protect themselves, even though the creatures could claw through metal. They ended up abandoning their children for ages because they couldn't be bothered to protect them better, the dad had a gun but none of the others did, and If they are almost the only people left they could have easily have found more. So they were unprotected. etc.
-The mum is taking stuff upstairs and pulls a nail from the floorboard. Or at least catches it on one. (The tip was pointed up, so not exactly sure what happened there and I'm not re watching it) and instead of realising it's CAUGHT ON SOMETHING, she doesn't even look and then carries on. And then she steps on it like a complete idiot later on. Which attracts the monsters.
-The whole film should have never taken place because all you had to do was shoot it, or play a high enough frequency. They only do this right at the end, even though they had a gun seemingly the whole time! And no one can convince me almost the whole rest of the world is dead when there are plenty of trigger happy people. And various armies. And in America there are practically more guns than people.
-The girl gets the monsters to leave a few times with her ear piece, as it lets of a frequency that CLEARLY affects the creatures and stops her dying a few times. But suddenly she is too dumb to realise, and ends up turning it off at the most crucial moment. But OH WAIT! She amazingly realises at the end because they need a really anticlimactic finish because the film is boring. Such a waste of time, and I don't understand the (often false) hype. Pathetic. THERE IS NOTHING TO SELL.
And I watched THAT instead of Killing Eve. The only positive is I didn't pay. Thank god.