I got this game feeling more excited than ever on a Thursday night. I expected it to be good because Rockstar games usually makes good games. When I got into grand theft auto 3, I was met with the jazzy theme of the original, and I felt nothing but nostalgia. Upon getting into the game, I was hit with very low frames per second. Now that didn't bother me as I've never really cared about fps, so I went on playing. The graphics looked really good, but overtime I noticed how the game felt too much like the original, that much in fact that Grove Street games had left in every problem that riddled the original in 2001. I pushed through and beat the game a day later. "Here goes vice city" I thought to myself, and with it being a bigger game than grand theft auto 3, I thought that it'd be somewhat better than the grand theft auto 3 remaster. Was it? No. It felt the exact same as the original vice city, now with exclusive fps issues. The graphics, whilst fantastic and beautiful, made the game look empty in a way. I also don't like the character models in this game, a certain female NPC in a bikini looked like the slenderman. After playing a few hours of vice city, I gave up trying to like it because I have better games to be playing in my spare time. I left vice city and moved onto San andreas, expecting this to be the BIG remastered game. All I got was a bland looking map, with a depressing and empty looking atmosphere. Along with lots of new bugs to play with, and all of the old problems with it also. After playing san andreas for around thirty or so minutes, I gave up and looked online to see if anyone else had been experiencing what I have. I have seen nothing but bad reviews, and I agree with most of them, some are too overexaggerated. I had a look to see if Rockstar had responded to the backlash, and they said updates will be coming. This ISN'T the rockstar I know and love, they're reminding me of CD projekt red. What happened in the last 3 years!? We got the amazing red dead redemption 2, then this? I'm starting to doubt the gaming industry as a whole, why do these game developers keep lying to us for some quick cash! What happened to caring about the product, that you're giving to the people? I am disappointed in rockstar games as a whole. This will be the last remaster I get that has "ROCKSTAR" written on it, whether it be a grand theft auto IV remaster or a red dead redemption 1 remaster, there is no way that I'll buy another one. My expectations for a sixth grand theft auto game are dipping drastically. PULL IT AROUND! I was almost put off of games from my childhood because of this game developer. How dare they! I'm more disappointed in Rockstar for this, than I was for CD projekt red for Cyberpunk 2077. I'm done. I'm going to turn off my computer, turn on my console and play grand theft auto V for a bit, maybe play some doom eternal, and level up a bit on call of duty: Vanguard. After that I'll buy battlefield 2042 in the next few days when it releases. I'll revisit this trilogy when Rockstar does something. For now I'm very disappointed in them.