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Instilling fear of covid in Americans while not even covering illegals flooding into the country, not only infected , but in record numbers! Your network is quite obviously pure left wing Propaganda and most Americans now know it!
NBC Nightly News
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If you hate America and President Trump, and you like watching Democrat/Marxist Propaganda, this is the show for you! BTW any negative coverage on the Criminal in the White House (including his criminal son) is not allowed! Your ratings say it all!
This Week
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Your silence on the The Fraudulent Criminal in the White House along with your daily attacks on President Trump are 100% proof that you are a Propaganda outlet for the Democrat/Socialists! Corrupt and compliant! Again, your ratings say it all!
ABC World News Tonight
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You lose all credibility with your complete silence on The Most Corrupt President in American History fraudulently occupying the White House right now! Maybe try holding him accountable instead of covering for him! Start working for We The People & (not the Democrat/Socialists) and your ratings would skyrocket!
60 Minutes
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Left Wing Propaganda at its finest! Good riddance Chuck Todd! Your Biased, Agenda driven coverage will not be missed! Your ratings said it all!
Meet the Press
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Democrat/Socialist Propaganda at its finest! If you hate President Trump and factual news reporting this show is for you! Your ratings say it all!
Face the Nation
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Gotta be a challenge having to suppress Documented Criminal Activity from a corrupt fraudulently elected President while at the same time trying to create evidence on his rival (A Former President)whom you and your Democratic Socialist Party realize you could never beat in a Legitimate Election! Can only imagine what it would be like if you were a real investigative news organization that actually worked for your viewers instead of giving them the middle finger every day!