I'm personally unhappy with the direction the series is going. With more Helix Credits and RPG elements being added, I have gradually been getting turned off from the series which truly aches me. The main factor that had me excited for Valhalla was the setting and the return of social stealth, and while the stealth is there, it's not very good. I have long been a fan of the AC franchise and so I wish so much that the series hadn't turned to be a mainstream RPG cash cow, but it has. The stealth is (in my experience, as well as that of my friends experiences) unviable in it's current state. Unless you are a Skyrim-esk stealth archer, the hidden blade is nearly useless long term, and besides the bushes spattered about, the environment was clearly not made with Stealth as it's #1 priority. Open melee fights is the main draw of the game, and that is simply not what AC represents to me.