This game is as fun as it is frustrating. You can sit down and sink a couple of hours into it, but rest assured for every second of fun you have, you'll have two of frustration. NPC traffic AI can't figure out basic maneuvers so any time there is an accident there will be, without fail, a traffic jam. Police transports, tow trucks, and ambulances all find a way to get stuck, or stop on a way that causes traffic to back up. Recently, since the new patch(8.3.0) there has been an issue where police transports get stuck with the suspect at the back of the van, the suspect doesnt get put in the van, they and the officer just stand there. Even leaving the area and coming back, they will be standing there at the van for the whole shift.
Certain shifts have the objective of running radar on cars, yet the streets are nearly empty so you'll find yourself having to wait on cars.
There have been a few times I've witnessed people commit crimes, and either detained them, ticketed them or pulled them over and I get demerits for it. As a matter of fact, the reason I decided to write this review is because I watched someone run a red light, pulled them over and then got a demerit for it and before that, I had a man standing in the middle of the street on his phone. I told him to move to the sidewalk and he told me I didn't have the authority to do that. And I got a demerit.
Now with all my frustrations, I don't want to knock the team that's working on it. I know it's a small team and they're working hard and doing their best but it seems that with every patch, something else breaks. Or the AI situation gets worse. In a game centered around traffic and street patrol, the traffic AI needs to improve.
Ever so often you'll have a shift where it will run smoothly, and when that happens it's a brilliant and fun experience. I do recommend the game, and I recommend supporting the team. The game has a lot of potential and I have no doubt it will overcome the issues it's having.