That was a truly appalling show. I love this stuff. I wanted it to be good, I really did. It was just so painfully bad! Endless stupid oversights in the design of the creatures. Countless scientifically inaccurate statements that made we want to punch the screen. It’s like they barely paid any actual astrobiologists at all. And the scant actual footage! How many times did each scene get played each episode? I swear walking with dinosaurs, 25 years ago, had a solid thirty minutes of original animation and story telling per episode. This had about three minutes, per 45 minute episode, with every scene repeated about five times. Barely anything happens. You could literally explore the creatures and their stories inside of ten minutes tops, with some basic explanation. This was just all filler and the only good film-making was the stuff on earth. If you want a nature documentary, go and watch Attenborough. Not this second rate copy. Gah! Typical low budget Netflix fair disguised as something more by hiding behind a tiny scattering of pretty CGI. Don’t waste you time.
However, if you like this stuff, massive plug for Melody Sheep and Life Beyond. Guy’s a total legend. It’s free on YouTube. Netflix should pay him to show his work rather than throwing money at this garbage.