(PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASE) The game uses almost none of the tweaks Pokémon platinum made to DP. The game has 3 fire types other than the starter and one of them (magmortar) is a version exclusive. Eevee is not available until post game (even though they created two new eevee evolutions for this game), many items that are required for evolution aren’t available until late/post game. Movement in this game is spotty, walls are sticky, also expect to encounter Pokémon even though you’re 4ft away. The grand underground is redeeming but the developers put no thought into it. The underground is full of rare Pokémon but at that point you only have poke balls to use so you’ll waste hours trying to catch something. It feels like the developers thought to themselves “well everyone’s just going to use staraptor, floatzel, luxray, lucario, roserade why should anything else be catchable?”. Version exclusives ruined the game, magby the only flame body Pokémon is pearl exclusive, scyther is diamond exclusive and gligar is diamond exclusive. I refuse to BUY another game where you can’t use the Pokémon you like.