This is the best in the series as in the reboot series the maps are soo good they finaly learnd how to make quests fun and not heres 2 targets kill them please. granted you are still killing targets but the maps throw in some cool moments like the murder mystory or the 10 targets you have to find on your own withought any help from diana.
also if you own the first 2 games they can be played inside hitman 3 with fully remastered graphics and you can even take rewords from hitman 3 levels back into the first 2 games maps.
My only problem with the game was the price for 50 quid you get about 7 hours of gameplay now granted i loved every map in this game unlike hitman 1 and 2 that had a few maps i despised but its very short for the pice tag now if you can get this on sale or better yet get all 3 games in a bundle and marathon play all 3 of them its a great package especily if your like me and never played the 1st and 2nd game till now its probaly a much better way to experiance the story playing it all in one game.
i will say though that the dlc looks really lame for what it gives you atm its just outfits that from what i see are worth nothing when i just use the basic outfit given to me by the map, if it includes a map at some point then it might be worth picking up but not at the asking price its just insane that they think this game is worth 50 quid for what is 6 maps 1 of witch is more of a tutorial and a load of "extra" missions that just amount to kill this person with item X while not being detected witch really isnt fun content unless you are the sort that likes going for 100%.