Playing Final Fantasy 7 changed my life, and I've been anticipating the Remake since Square debuted the PS3 tech demo back in 2005. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is finally here, and it was well worth the wait. The developers did a fantastic job of fleshing out the characters and adding some significant story elements to the plot. One thing I didn't like was the obvious padding added to extend the gameplay experience. The mini-quests are a mess. It made me feel stupid. I've been waiting for years to jump back into this world, so I'm not sure why the developers cant make these mini-quests more interesting. I don't want to waste time to find missing cats. I want to dive deeper into the lore and give me more guests that involve the fantastic battle system. Its elements like these that make Remake stumble - other than that It has the best battle system that the final fantasy series had in years. It looks gorgeous, it made me fall in love with all the characters all over again, and I cant wait to see where the story goes next. After the complete mess that was Final Fantasy 15, I was extremely sceptical that Square-Enix would be able to pull this off, but they did, and this is the first time that I've been excited about Final Fantasy since Final Fantasy X.