The movie is really its own thing set in a more expanded universe in the star wars franchise. There is real character progression. The pacing of the film is a little disturbed but the first half of the film has a nice built up. Surprises in the film are "jaw-droppingly satisfying". There are changes and new concepts to this episode of star wars film. Now, some people may not like the new concepts, but I did not really keep any expectations and had an open mind about it. So it worked out well enough for me. It's borrowed some elements from the empire strikes backa and the return of the Jedi, but they are only minor, and not like the force awakens. I would rate the film an 8/10, it has got it's plot holes, but one needs to realise all films do have plot holes, and that new concepts are supposed to be welcomed and not trashed about. Good luck to those viewers who are yet to watch, go in with an open mind and may the force be with you!