(Note: This review is made for the Pc version of Cyberpunk 2077 and may or may not reflect on the console version at the following instances)
The game is a masterpiece enclosed within a shroud of bugs. A list of pros and cons in a spoiler free manner is given below because that would be more useful.
:-Narrative is absolutely "breathtaking". It keeps you tense when it needs to while letting you ride wild when you want to.
:-Visuals and animations are top tier. Right there at the peak. Saying it's absolutely incredible doesn't do justice.
:-Night City - The greatest city to date. The MVP of open world RPGs if p = place. I'd recommend this game as a walking simulator just for the city.
:-Progression - Dividing progress into Main Level and street cred is a great move imo. This make's sure that you won't be overlevelled for the main quest just by completing a ton of side quests.
:-Replayability -So much that you wouldn't be done till 2077. There is a whole variety of options when it comes to life paths, weapons, choices, clothing, attributes, perks etc...
:-Immersion - From the camera angles to the various special voice lines which NPCs are given in certain situations this is infact arguably the most immersive RPG I've played / seen to date.
Sound :- This is a conflicting opinion as sound taste greatly varies but imo Holy hells this is just.....that good literally. A lot of love and effort has been put into the creation of the soundtrack + all the other additional sounds in this game.
:- Combat - Better than I expected. Gunplay is good not great and melee is ... ok
:-Driving - Subpar. Driving in first person is almost impossible for me without running over someone or something. 3rd person is more manageable but still not good enough.
:- Bugs and performance - Of course what else. From floating weapons, to weapons stuck in the ground, to V having a golden egg for an head when looking in the mirror to enemies who magically move themselves into walls and closed spaces the game has quite a lot but note almost all I encountered were visual bugs except for 2 quest bugs which were annoying tbh. Hopefully the bois at CDPR get those patches in soon. Performance on the other hand has been underwhelming with many players not able to get the performance which we were supposed to get with the recommended specs. Tweaking graphic settings certainly did help but still it should be noted that it was considerably below what I should have been able to achieve with my specs.
:-AI - not very smart. There are many situations where you have to be smart and use your weapons and gadgets properly to win but that's mainly because the enemy has very strong firepower or has a sniper that can melt you in one or two shots. What I mean by poor AI is if you take a single unit the variation of attack patterns and movement in relation to our position does not have a significant difference. Personally I believe that this will be the greatest barrier we will have to overcome in the future of gaming.
Verdict :- One of the greatest RPG's ever made if CDPR gets around to exterminating the bugs. For now I give Cyberpunk 2077 4.5 choombas out of 5.