Ive honestly never reviewed a game not on Switch (I wish Nintendo had that) but I had to for this one. I loved Fire Emblem 3 houses, I played it three times. So I had very high hopes for this game. At first I was really let down. You don't work hard to recruit students like the last game, the combat can be annoying and not turn based, there's no mini games like fishing. I almost didn't get the game because of the combat but I did get more used to it. Parts are still annoying, especially with the camera. You constantly shoot past your target then you have to turn out and correct the camera before they hit you.
However, the absolutely WORST part is all the times they stop you mid battle. Every time someone gains a level they take you to a new screen (and it tells you about levels at the end), anytime a new enemy comes on the map, anytime they want you to know about anything (even though its on the mini map). It was honestly every minute or so. Most of them cant be skipped and if you're in the middle of a combo, it does screw it up. When I started new game plus I found its a setting, make sure you choose "don't interrupt flow".
Also don't make the same mistake as me, make sure to choose different people to fight with each battle. I found my favs and stuck with them but if you do that you will miss out on a lot of support conversations.
I didn't hate everything and I played the full 60 hours and will likely try again so I guess I did like it, just not as much as the first. I liked collecting materials to upgrade my camp. At the end you get all upgrades. I liked manually leveling up people with money. There was a moral aspect (like the first game) but I dont even know what it affected honestly.