The forgotten army (amazon prime video) or I say Forgotten army's forgotten tale.
THE AZAD HIND FAUJ. They carried the weight of war. They carried the dream of an independent India. What a absolute treat to the eyes. It is so unfortunate that we have overshadowed their audacity and heroism when we talk about the Independence of India. CHALO DILLI was the slogan of the Azad hind fauj. That dilli slogan which used to bring the sensation of patriotism and togetherness, the same dilli is now congested with people chanting slogans like 'Bharat tere tukde honge inshallah'. The dilli which used to bring the taste of pride and the sense of freedom is now a mere land of propaganda and bigotry. A mere land where people proclaim that they want 'jinnah wali azadi'. This was not that dilli for which subhash chandra bose fought for. This is not the people which he visioned for.
The Azad hind fauj has a big role behind our Independence and series like these brings a sense of pride. Kudos to Amazon prime video. I never felt so proud being an Indian before.