I have played some bad games before, some really genuinely bad games before. Most of them were Call of Duty games. I have tried for the past month or so to enjoy this game, because it looked different and better from other CoD games, and dont get me wrong, it delivered on being different. It also delivered on being just as bad. I'm not sure if it's the tiring rhetoric of "shoot shoot kill die spawn get spawn killed" that makes this game so genuinely not fun to play, or if it's the incompetence of the devs who put such poor balance into the gunplay, but whatever it is it makes this game feel like multiplayer cancer. The only "playable" mode is hardcore (it's been the only playable mode in any CoD game), and it doesn't make up for how absolutely terrible every single map in this game is. I dont know if they handed that responsibility to some high school IT students, or if they're genuinely that stupid and bad of developers, but it really says something when I cant devise a single fun way to play any single map in the game without being prone to spawn kills, claymores behind every doorway, or genuinely terrible balance from spawn position. How many games have been released by the devs, and how many have ever addressed the problem of terrible maps? How many content creators have abandoned playing this game because of how unbearable it is to play this way? The level of promise beforehand in relation to the level of disappointment was unprecedented for me, and while I certainly blame myself for this waste of 60 dollars, I cant help but commit to myself that I'll never spend another single dollar on the horribleness that is Call of Duty. I'm not angry, at the game (although I am angry at myself), I'm just disappointed with how genuinely not fun it is to play, in any aspect in the entire game. Heard the campaign was good tho.