I must be one of the biggest fans, my family got tired of me saying Mottos and sayings from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, from different or from all episodes. I fell in love with the first episode and had to see how it was going to play out through out every season. When I got my "" GHERR-ARRRRG"" SWEATSHIRT-HOODIE , lots of people were asking me where I got it and where it was from? I explained how the little vampire monster comes out at the end of every episode of Buffy. I must have gotten every one of my family members to watch it and they loved it. If someone was to ask me which was my favorite epis- I would say I really dont have one ,I really thought all seasons and episodes were great and fantastic! I really did. But besides Smallville and The Charmed Ones,it was my most favorite.