LOVE THIS SHOW!! Shadow hunters is amazing! I was trying to look for a TV show to watch but I couldn't find one. Then I came across Shadow hunters and by the trailer I could tell it was good and I was right! Shadow hunters is an amazing show, It has the perfect mix of monsters, love, fighting and even sometimes, drama! I love Clace, Malex and Sizzy because they are all perfect ships. (Like they are PERFECT for eachother!) The fighting and skills are AMAZING and the whole story line is just perfect and just goes really wel together. And also, amazing cliffhanger ending, it really gets you hanging! The only sad thing is they had to cancel the show. When I found this out and I think I speak on behalf of all shadow hunters fans, I WAS DEVASTATED and I ligit screames out so loud "WHHHYYYY?!! #saveshadowhunters âž°