This game is very good at what it does. Its entertaining, mechanics are complex or simple but still balanced. My problem is for players that will play this game competitively. The match making system abosuletly sucks! Do not invest your time into getting good at the game because it is extremely frustrating. I've played from the lowest rank to gold 3 and I can tell you this as a FACT. A lot of the climb on rank relies on LUCK. If it's not bots or trolls taking out their rage, you have other people who just get lucky on their matchmaking and do not belong on their rank. All it takes is one teammate out of 5 to be bad and waste 20-40 minutes of your time. This also works vice versa... I've been in the lowest rank (iron) and played with people well above the ranks skill level, but are stuck because the game punishes you with less LP the more you play (you need to reach 100 lp to climb rank). Meaning if you're bad but get good over time, you cannot climb with a favorable win rate since you lose more lp than you win (so you need to win a lot more games than lose), while a newer account gains a lot more lp than they lose. Riot makes other games with a lot better matchmaking system so its puzzling why they can't get this game right.