Absolutely loved this! Makes me want to up and move to New York. Not that I'm not in love, very happily so, Going on 13yrs now, and my wife still makes me smile, This is such a fantastic series of events about Love, in all the many wonderful ways love touches every ones life. The stories are great, the location couldn't be any better! The Music is perfect, and the best part is how well picked the actors all seem to be for the parts. ( Way to go ES ) Truly, why can't there be more TV Series like this about real life and LOVE. The Director and Producers need to remain available through entire seasons/episodes, fantastic work! Nora Ephron would be so proud, because this is the next best thing since, You've Got Mail, along with any of her other films she made in NYC. (E01) Loved It, it pulled me in to want to watch the next, then the next, until I had sat and watched all 8 in one setting. The writers on this, every one who had anything to do with the making of this, Thank You, We need more series like this, we need more LOVE. Hope we will be seeing many more of Modern Love Stories in the near future! Now, I think I will watch all 8eps again with my best friend, my wife! She's a hopeless romantic.