This review has nothing to do with the game being "overhyped" in any way or the marketing deceiving me. Credit where credit is due, the trailers all showed the game fairly and did not attempt to trick people.
My gripe with this game is that its a painfully current gen experience, that runs horribly, and is a jack of all trades but master of none.
You want to play a competent looter shooter with enemies that are more than just copy pasted bullet sponges, go play borderlands 3.
You want to play a stealth assassin game with more than one stealth takedown, go play Assassin's creed.
You want to play a open world, freeplay oriented game, go play GTA 5.
You want to play a fun dystopian future game that isn't overclutered and has cooler weapons, play Fallout 4 (yes, even fallout never crashed on me unless I overmoded it, this game
has crashed 5 times on me in a single mission)
All in all, this game isnt a must buy or must play, nothing in this game is exceptional or new. I could also go into more detail about how the cars in this game are repetitive, bleak and boring to drive. Or how boring the skill tree is, as it boils down to just percentage bonuses. Despite all this the game isnt bad per se, but its just worse than its competition and definitely not game of the year, that honor would go to Doom Eternal a shooter devoid of all the looting and leveling bs.
The story is also short and bleak.