Plot holes, the Butterfly Effect, changing book canon, future families who won’t exist, imaginary family relations, changed birthdates and deathdates...
If you claim to be a die-hard true HP fan you are NOT a TRUE FAN or you would know the serious problems with this movie.
Sure, the cinematography and all that was beautiful, the creatures were cool but we should have seen Newt do his thing to woo some creatures and talk about how awesome they are. All he did was let the Chinese fire dragon throw him around and it was in love with him. Also, RIP Grindelwald’s pet dragon-lizard.
The Leda LeStrange-family drama turned into a dead end plot AND she’s supposed to have kids/grandkids with Theseus which will end up marrying Bellatrix. So it bothers me that she’s the “last living descendant” that they kill off and somehow still has relatives in 1997?! My only explanation is she’s not dead, or Corvus isn’t dead or Corvus is actually Credence. Why spend half the movie dropping hints he’s related to Leda and then say JUST KIDDING? Throwing in the Kama/Corvus subplot was a weak, thinly-veiled plot device to get Credence to that Nazi rally that EVERYONE should have recognized as a trap.
Albus has a “long lost brother” who mysteriously popped into existence after both parents were dead!?! He is NOT related at all and this is huge plot-twist/ a red herring for movie 3. Clearly Grindelwald is lying otherwise Rowling is gutting her own future plot. Albus did not send Newt after Credence just to kill him, he was trying to save him so Grindelwald is a LIAR. Where he got a phoenix, who knows. Maybe he stole it from the grandfather that Dumbledore says had one. They were closer than brothers, it would make sense that Albus would tell him that as a teen. Or we’re blaming this whole movie on time-turners and Cursed Child-like plot.
Albus was the professor of Transfiguration. NOT DADA.
You can’t Apparate in or out of the grounds of Hogwarts. Hogwarts, A History.
McGonagall as a professor is PREPOSTEROUS. Unless that ‘professor’ was an aunt or mother, that would make McGonagall’s birthdate well before 1927, and she was BORN around that time! She was a student of Dumbledore’s!
And yeah, there were too many characters and subplots to follow. Why introduce cute Bunty who’s clearly in love and then never see her again? Who cares about the Kama family? What the heck was that damn prophecy about? How on earth did Abernathy end up a turncoat and then never speak the rest of the movie? Who was that Auror that Newt had a serious problem with?
Grindelwald is GAY, sis. That pouty-lipped woman who was in in a "committed" relationship with him? She's DELUSIONAL.
And most disturbing of all, why are people getting raped, impregnated and/or forced against their will to do stuff? This was a damn kids movie. Queenie went from being this sweet, empowering character to a hysterical (in the negative woman-on-her-period stereotype) mind-raping turncoat.