Not sure how many times I have seen this film. Background info - loved Spaced, followed Simon Peggs career for years in things like Big Train and fully identify with the whole Pegg Frost dynamic being around their age and loving all things Adam and Joe, Park and Wright etc.
Being from the area and familiar with the locations Worlds Ends was shot, it gives it an extra edge. It’s almost as if it was shot for me. Years back I migrated to Australia and was on a casual visit to the UK when me and my bestie visiting the area caught some of the location stuff and sets such as the huge alien figure and “first roundabout” sign - seemed to be the perfect movie for me.
I have seen it a number of times but tonight all the stars aligned and with the event of covid it seems to have taken on an even more poignant and deeper meaning than ever before. I always though it was an “ok” movie but 8 years on from its release date I find it has not only matured well but I now consider it an underrated masterpiece. We followed the trilogy and watched Shawn of the dead, hot fuzz and worlds end in sequence over a few nights and really enjoyed them. So to sum up, worlds end - seemed far deeper and more meaningful this viewing, funnier and more jokes which I may behave previously missed, but with the event of covid it certainly seemed to hit home harder in its message.
HVe another look at it and see if you agree. Previously I would have probably said 3 - 3.5 stars, but from tonight I have a different perspective and now I say 5*.
Very enjoyable.