As a life long Star Trek fan. I was long anticipating this series and the idea that it would be a flagship show for CBS All Access. I expected quite a lot from the series and to be honest I am somewhat disappointed.
First the good. I find the shows visual effects to be of very good quality for a TV show. The ships , the uniforms the look of the bridge and other areas of Discovery have a good technical look to them. You have to suspend some of your questions about how the original series(which is set ten years in the future) seems to have less technology. After all its a tv show and the view of what the future would look like in 1967 was of course very limited. I like what has been done to the Klingons to make them appear more alien and I even feel the use of the subtitles works for me. Overall visually and sensory wise the show works well.
Where I have been disappointed in the show is in the storyline. I felt the show got off to a good start setting the story around the start of the Federation/Klingon war. After that the show sort of quickly lost its way and more importantly its focus. This was a good storyline and should have been the substainable for the entire first year. The jump to the Mirror Universe and the plot twists that occurred after that seemed way to premature to me . I don't dislike the Mirror Universe episodes of Star Trek but it seemed to me the writers for Discovery were already grasping for ideas. It took a very good storyline and just junked it all up and for no good reason. The show became obvious and predictable to me from that point on. I continued to watch but my interest was far less.
I would not recommend to anyone that they get CBS All Access in order to just watch this show and I feel that statement speaks volumes about the show.
Its simply just ok which is a shame because the potential was there to make it something completely magnificent .