I Grew up watching Star Trek it was always a hope for humanity seeing what was good in humanity. This show is none of that. I am tired of shows trying to capitalize off a great show by splintering it off through altered reality or time lines ectera. It shows such weakness in the writers as they do not want to be held with in any estabilshed norms of a show. If you want to make something new then do it but stop trying to rewrite history. Both in Sci Fi and in real world. So much of this show fails in so many ways its to much to mention and I can say with near 100% likelyhood that Gene would never have allowed this in his Star Trek. Try reading or watching some of the making of the next generation and how he insisted on standards. The writers didnt like it then either but the fans loved it so get a clue and stop shoveling us dog dodo trying to claim its something greater. Please remove the Star Trek name from this show as its simply put so far out side the Star trek Ideals it might as well be Muds dreams.