While I consider myself a hockey fanatic and pretty knowledgeable of the game I must say EA missed the mark on this game. I understand you are asking alot of AI and computer programmers to get things correct but this game is comical at best. My son and I enjoy playing games together but nothing in this game makes sense. I will start with our latest tilt which included a clear goal not being called. Video to prove it! Delayed button reactions to game etc. This does not happen on any other game played except NHL 21. Perhaps spending some time actually watching a game or two would give you insight on what your AI would actually do or not do in certain situations. 3 Players all going after the puck in the corner will being shorthanded is a good example. I could go on but honestly take the time and try to get something right in your next release. Don't waste your money if buying on XBOX, not sure about other consoles/PC but XBOX is terrible.