One of the best games I've EVER played. I feel like anyone that gives this game 1 star just doesn't understand the whole purpose of it. They don't give you objectives like any other game, but they do give you clues which you have to figure out which makes the game 10 times better. Anyone who doesn't like the idea of this is either lazy or just too dumb to figure it out. The cinematogrophy is so beautiful and the amout of detail in it is just amazing. Obviously at some points you would get frustrated because you might not know what to do next or you don't have enough time, but that's the case with any game and it's just a matter of figuring things out for yourself and actually using your brain. The ending was also amazing and there is a reason they don't give you a specific objective. The player is free to do go and do whatever they want and explore wherever which is why this game is so immaculate.