Actors used to say "what's my motivation?" because they needed to know why their characters did what they did. Someone should've said that to the creators of Brightburn.
Now I've read another review where someone said that it was just genetics that caused the rampage and if so that's kind of boring. I mean you can't get mad at a lion for eating an antelope- it just doesn't know any other way. Doesn't make for a particularly compelling story tho'. Without much rhyme or reason our villain just starts killing. So do we care about his turn to evil, why he went that way, why he keeps doing it, will he have a change of heart or compassion for anyone? Nope it's just Superman mixed with a Chucky doll and cue a body count. This needed to be more clever and interesting. Buy Mark Waid's Irredeemable instead for a better 'Superman goes bad' story...