So many people say that this movie is too scary because the ghost of the girl that got abused by Halle's fat husband sets on fire in the middle of the road after causing a car crash.... to me, this is an unfair critique, because when my mom recommended this movie to me seconds before passing away of natural causes, she even said that the movie was bad, as in, naughty / dirty with sexual innuendo and also that she originally found the movie in the Horror Movie section of the Dollar Tree. Anyways, this movie made almost no sense, but I, in my lenient and forgiving way, took it as artsy, because the director of the film is French. I still liked it even though one of the black characters just HAD to be a rapist, right? Regardless, I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars, and would especially recommend it to parents with young daughters so they can get pointers on how to avoid something like that happening to their own kids. Only be aware, this movie is a HARD r , and even includes a spooky scene in which the main character goes swimming in the dark to hide from two security guards.